Mindfulness tools for everyday life
About Us
The topics of mindfulness and meditation have been with us for many years. We have gained experience in various courses, retreats and personal practice over the years, and later also taught courses in a professional environment.
In 2023 we quit our jobs and moved to our sailboat to live our lives independently and closer to nature.
With the Mindfulness To Go app we would like to create an offer that conveys mindfulness practices in a way that is suitable for everyday use.

Before we swapped our previous life for life on a sailboat, I worked as a nurse in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy for many years - a job that gave me a lot of joy.
During this time, I completed various training courses in the field of dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), completed training as a mindfulness teacher (MBSR) and founded and led a weekly mindfulness group for our patients.
As a software engineer, I worked at Google for many years, where I trained to become a facilitator for Search Inside Yourself, a great program that teaches mindfulness techniques in a real-life way suitable for a professional environment. For a number of years, I have also been guiding meditations at Google, where they are called “gPause”.